Saturday, August 1, 2015

Tenacious With No Applause-Tenacious Stats

     Statistics show that African American women lead their male counter parts in college enrollment. They also do this at a higher rate than any other group of women in America. By the year 2010 they made up 66% of all those completing Bachelor degrees, 71% of Masters degrees, and 65% of Doctorate degrees. Reference-Washington Post sixty years ago-Brown vs Board of Education, still separate and still unequal. Yet, African American women still excel in spite of all the challenges they face-past, present and future. I chose to applaud and recognize the African American woman because she deserves it, she has earned it and I believe that it is required.
      I would step out on a limb and say-"I am one of the brothers who get it!" Having had the opportunity to experience first hand a woman who was, and still is, in spirit, the model of a Tenacious woman-my Mother. Sacrifices were endless, humility unspeakable, the patience of Job, a heart of gold, a passion for people like no other, an awesome work ethic, and she never complained. My personal experience with my mother and all of the Tenacious women in my life  was the inspiration and motivation that brought this manuscript to life. And believe me when isay it was truly long overdue.
     This is only the beginning of a series of applauds, recognition, and dialogues to be had on the subject of the Tenacious Woman.

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